Red Rock has successfully performed FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) for 2 knuckle jib cranes together with BV (Bureau Veritas) as the 3rd Party supervisors.
The knucle jib cranes will be delivered to Live Fish Carrier vessel. These are the 10th and 11th cranes in a series of knuckle jib cranes we are delivering to the Aquaculture industry. They will perform advanced lifting operations with high accuracy onboard the vessel with a maximum capacity of 1.7 tonnes and a maximum outreach of 20m. In addition to this Red Rock are also delivering our high performance davits and Fast Rescue Boats to these vessels.
Red Rock continues to increase it’s presence in the Aquaculture market both in Europe and around the world, with another 6 cranes now in production to be delivered in 2020.
We are proud to see that our effort to provide high quality lifting and handling solutions is reflected by our partners continous trust in our products and services.